Traffic and Signs Reminders:
- Always carry your driver’s license, car registration and proof of insurance
with you. - Watch your speed limit! You will be pulled over and fined. Police cars are not always recognizable.
- For children up to 4 years of age, child safety seats are required.
- If you make a right turn at a red light, you must come to a complete stop before turning right.
- You MUST stop for all yellow school buses when the red stop sign is flipped out. After it is safe to for the children, the driver will fold the stop sign back in.
If the POLICE pull you over:
- A police car will drive behind you, directing you over to the right side of the road.
- Drive slowly to the shoulder, without obstructing traffic.
- Remain calm, sit in you car.
- Do NOT leave the vehicle.
- Keep your hand on the steering wheel and do NOT make sudden movements.
- Be polite and make eye contact with the officer.
- Be respectful and practice courtesy — Yes, Sir and Yes, Ma'am.
Keep in mind that Michigan has NO tolerance for drunk driving. If you are caught driving under the influence and your blood alcohol count is 0.8 or above, you will face penalties, lose your drivers license and you may face jail time. Police officers are NOT always in a good mood and they can take you away in handcuffs.
Driving and cell phone use:
While driving in Dearborn and Detroit you can not use your cell phone without a head set!
(Quelle: COWA Newsletter March 2007;
mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Corinne Walker)
Autofahren in Michigan